Join Date: Aug 2012 Location: Michigan, USA
Posts: 999
Hogwarts RPG Name: Eliza Neladara Dawnsel Fifth Year | Everyone! SPOILER!!: Before the hippogriffs
Lex whipped around at the loud sound of her name, a wide grin firmly fixed in place. PEYTON WAS HERE TOOOOOO!!! "HAI!!!!!" BEEEEAM. "I didn't know you were coming out here too or I would have waited on you and we could have come together!!!" Alexa bounced a bit as she spoke, super excited to run into yet another person here in this sad forest.
Oh and she brought her own bowl of ice-cream!!!
Lex looked to Eliza who was now crawling out of hiding, she got a beam too! "What were you doing down there silly? The forest can't play with you if you're down there." Giggle. The girl righted this herself by shooting off the floor.
She looked to them both, her grin spreading even wider. "Well, we're all here, the night's not getting any younger, we should--"
Here excitement and well her whole sentence was cut short when she heard footsteps moving in the distance. Lex tilted her head curiously. "Did either of you invite someone else?" But before she could receive an answer she was being pulled further into the forest. "Heeeey! Stooooop! I can walk just fine, maybe the forest was sending friends for us to play with!" Hehehehe. She liked friends, friends of the forest too so Eliza needed to calm down. She yanked her hand out of the girls grip but kept skipping and hopping along. Hop. Hop. Ho--
Oof! "Hey, neat! When did that tree trunk get there???" Such a nice trunk toooooo.[/QUOTE] Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone "Careful, Candy Girl, don't want to be spilling any ice cream in here!" GRIN. ... Oh! Ladies! "Hey you guys!" he whispered, grinning and giving each of them a very enthusiastic wave, "What brings you guys here?" And whereeeeee was this party? Was there more ice cream to be had too? Quote:
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black Awar had rolled out of bed and slipped into some comfy clothes. Today she had an urge to go give the Forbidden Forest a hug or something. The forest isn't that forbidden anyways, right? But it turned out that they didn't need to run and Lex wasn't having it anyway. She let go of the girls' hands and shuffled her feet back towards the sound. "Er...sorry," she apologized to them. "Good thing it was just Alec!" And there was another girl she didn't know, but she gave her a happy wave anyway. It seemed like a lot of people had wanted in on this ice cream party and that was super fun as far as she was concerned. "Did you guys bring ice cream too?" she asked and then saw the bowls in their hands. "Oh, good! The more the merrier! And the yummier!" She smiled and bounced onto her tiptoes and pulled her tub of ice cream out of her bag to share. "Mine's vanilla bean but I added cinnamon to make it extra delicious!!" She held it out for anyone who wanted to take a spoonful, because sharing was caring and all. SPOILER!!: Hippogriffs! Quote:
Originally Posted by HIPPOGRIFFS! "SQUAWK!"
There were noises in the forest that usually weren't there, the sounds of humans and the Hippogriffs had noticed. They had moved closer to the edge than they had in a long time but still there usually weren't those two-legged things in their home.
The small herd of about ten total had been grazing and looking for squirrels in between the trunks of the dark tress this evening and a few of them had been startled by the human shouts and the general noise as they crashed through the forest. But the Hippogriffs moved towards them.
One walked proudly through a small thicket and ended up right by an adult male who seemed to be in a hurry towards the other. "SQUAWK!" The female Hippogriff quickly stood up on her rear legs after being startled by him and his wand.
Another two walked much calmer towards two of the loud students (Alexa & Alec) who had something that smelled good. Their eyes were the first thing that was seen through the nearby branches and the crack of twigs as they slowly approached.
Careful or you will scare them off. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bubbles The girl she didn't know was greeting her back. Yay! "Eliza, what a pretty name." And another beam for you. "I'm Peyton Baltazar. You know, Slytherin. Beater. Ice cream extraordinaire." Just so she knew, hehe.
Peyton glanced around. Wind? Yeah, it's been...breezy lately, but that wouldn't stop her from her mission. Nope. She was here to cheer up the forest.
She looked back at Lex. "Oh darn it. Well, we're here now and..."
Tag's friend Alec. "Hiiiiiii, Alec." You seeker, youuu! Then they were joined by another student. Peyton waved at her. Could this get any better? Everyone was here to cheer up the forest, right? Of course! Why else WOULD they be here for? Especially the ones with ice cream. RIGHT?
"You guys! I have an awesome idea. How about--" [i]we find every living creature in the forest and feed them ice cream, but she didn't get to finish her sentence when she heard something.
Peyton first saw eyes and then a shape. Her brain tingled. What was what her mother had told her before her very first train ride on the Hogwarts Express? Something about... Don't go into the Forbiden Forest. If you must, take a Hufflepuff with you. Or something like that. That woman had too many rules. Even so, Peyton scooted a bit toward Alec, a grin plastered on her face.
She squinted her eyes, trying to get a better look, but it was dark. "I don't know what that is, but maybe it wants ice cream?" she said, extending her bowl of raspberry-vanilla ice cream toward it. She waved at Peyton again and smiled. "Well gee, thanks Peyton! Your name is nice too!" Oh and she was Slytherin, but she was pretty sure she remembered that from how intent she'd been on keeping the emeralds. She was waiting for Peyton to tell them her great idea when suddenly she heard another noise. How many noises are in this forest anyway? Hippogriffs!!! She immediately bowed low, hoping not to scare them or antagonize them unintentionally. Besides, she just wanted to be their friend and give them ice cream anyway, so they would probably figure that out eventually. She was sure of it. Carefully she stood back up and kept her eyes a little low, then scooped out a few plops of awesome ice cream onto the ground for them to eat. SPOILER!!: Authoritahhh Quote:
Originally Posted by hpluvr037
Intent as he was on finding whatever human presence was lurking about, he was quickly aware of the distinctly animal sounds off to his left. He paused and then sighed in relief as several hippogriffs emerged from the shadows. "Woah, easy girl!" he said, bowing low and hiding his wand. No need to further frighten the already scared creature.
Firth noticed another few heading in the direction he had been walking. Following their path with his gaze, he saw-- "Students?" Wait, had students been what was causing the forest animals to seem so skittish? No, he'd never detected anyone before. They couldn't be the cause.
Wary of the hippogriff near him, he slowly rose back to full height and patted the beast gently, careful not to pull on its feathers. He intercepted the other few hippogriffs before they got to the students. Bowing to them, he took out his customary dead mouse from the inside of his cloak and threw it away, hoping to lure them away from the children. No need for accidents. Then Alistaire made his way over to the large group assembled, several of whom, he noticed, had.. were those bowls of ice cream?
This caught him off guard so much that it was the first thing from his mouth as he approached the students. "Ice cream? Yeh know i's December ou' here, don't yeh?" he asked, his voice full of amused shock. Wait, what on earth am I saying? "An' wha' are yeh all doin' in here?" he asked, the tone of his voice quickly turning more towards anger. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo This was a really nice forest floor, even though she could only barely see it in the dim light she could say she thought it was absolutely lovely. At some point she would get up but the leaves made it so comfy...the snow though...that was becoming a problem.
More voices? OH! OH! OH! "Hair Boy!!!!" BEAM. "Glad you could make it!!" Because this was beginning to seem planned. How had they all ended up out here. Not that she would complain; the more the merrier, and Hair Boy was good people so it was fine. To answer his question she beamed a bit more. "I don't know about them but I came to have ice-cream with the forest. I'm looking for the giant fridge it keeps it all in--you wanna help???" At the moment they all had ice-cream and she didn't...but once she found the giant fridge that would all chaaaaange.
Another set of steps caught her attention. She looked up from her spot on the ground and watch another girl join them. One she'd seen around a few times maybe. "HAI YOU!" GRIN.
Peyton had an idea! "What is it??" The girl never finished. More noise was coming from just a ways off. Her eyes widened in the dim light at what she thought she saw. HIPPOGRIFFS!!! "COOOOOOL!!!"
No sooner than she shouted did Not Shiny Ground's Keeper appear and use himself as a human shield. Such a good man he was, even if he wasn't shiny. "Hello Sir!" Giggle. She took in his amused(?) expression and giggled even more at his question. "It's never too cold to have ice-cream. Ice-cream's the best thing in this entire school." As for what they were doing there. "Visiting the forest!" GRIIIIIN. Lex hopped to her feet. "I suspect it might have been lonely before we showed up. I came to share it's ice-cream--didn't you know about the giant fridge?? I'm trying to find it. They already have ice-cream but you know, more makes the forest happier!"
A happy forest was a not forbidden one. Seeeee? Quote:
Originally Posted by hpluvr037 Well, the hippogriffs didn't seem to be coming any closer at the moment, but he still didn't feel very safe turning his back on them. He stepped back and to the side so he could keep both parties in his field of vision. You never can be too careful when the Forest is concerned.
So apparently Alexa did not deem it too cold outside for ice cream. Somehow he wasn't surprised. Nor was he surprised that she was the one to answer first. He'd caught her in the Forbidden Forest once before and she'd seemed to be the ring leader on that occasion as well.
Then a young Hufflepuff spoke up. "Enjoyin' ice cream in the FORBIDDEN Forest, eh? Yeh don' think there's a better place fer that?" Like one that wasn't forbidden, perhaps? Join them? No, he was not going to join them. She sure did have an interesting response for someone who was in big trouble. Gotta give the Badger a bit of credit for that, at least.
But actually, Alexa was acting that way as well. She's grinning and hopping and giggling. Last time I caught her, she was just trying to sweet talk her way out of it. Plus the others all seemed unnaturally bouncy and happy, even the Hufflepuffs. Something more was definitely going on here.
And then the Lion started talking about a giant fridge. A small shadow of worry passed across the Scot's face. Sparing the hippogriffs a glance, he then turned his attention back to the others.
"An' the rest o' yeh, wha' are yeh doin' out here, eh?" Quote:
Originally Posted by HIPPOGRIFFS! The female Hippogriff that had been startled by the Groundskeeper slowly began to call down and was back on all four legs when he bowed. She watched him nervously, clipped her beak once as he approached....and then decided he was okay. When he petted her neck she began to follow him sensing he was good.
The other Hippogriffs who were near the students began to get nervous with all the shouting and pointing and took a few steps back but then a mouse was thrown their way from the Groundskeeper and they came out into full view of the humans, snapping and fighting over the treat. After the one swallowed the rodent they turned back to the humans and their bowls. "Squawk! Squawk!"
They slowly approached the ones holding them and after a few timid steps ignoring the adult, they began to eat the cool treat, their wings spreading slightly in their delight. She wasn't even phased when she saw the Groundskeeper coming closer to them. And when he questioned why they were there, she wasn't even bothered. She nodded in corroboration with Lex's explanation, and added a few words of her own when he turned his gaze to the rest of their little flock. "That's right Mr. Firth, it was just such a nice night and I thought - hey, why not go for a walk and maybe give some ice cream to the forest animals you know? I mean they seemed so sad and frightened the other day so I thought for sure some ice cream would help them feel better." She glanced down around their feet and the up and down the trunks of trees. "Plus I was hoping to find some cool leaves or flowers to bring back too for gifts or decorating or something." She extended her tub of ice cream towards him and offered him some. "Are you sure you don't want any ice cream? Cause I put a few scoops down for the nice Hippogriffs and they seem to be enjoying it. Mine's vanilla bean with added cinnamon! You don't know you don't like it unless you try it!" She smiled a big genuine, toothy grin at him, her hazel eyes sparkling with excitement under the moonlight.
And now there was another boy here too, but she wasn't super positive about his name. She gave him a nod and a welcome, welcome face as he entered their cluster.
She turned to Lex with a puzzled look on her face. "You keep mentioned a giant fridge, but I ...I don't think I've heard about it. Where did you hear about it?" Because maybe Lex knew something she didn't about where all of this tasty ice cream was coming from. The Forbidden Forest did seem like an awfully long walk from the kitchen though, so she wasn't convinced it was out here. There must be some sort of large capacity freezing going on around the castle though, and she wanted in on the details. SPOILER!!: Party Pooper Now even MORE of them were coming? And the hippogriffs were eating it?! This was getting serious. They had already lingered in the forest far too long. He raised his wand, summoned a happy memory, and said, "Expecto Patronum!" A silvery substance shot out of the end of the man's wand, resolving itself into a recognizable form several yards away before making its way up to the castle.
"Okay everyone," he began, his expression CLEARLY indicating that they should not interrupt what he was about to say. "As much as yeh'd all love ter have an ice cream par'y righ' now, I don' think tha's going ter work." Apparently none of them had any sense of danger at all, much less any sense of sense. "The, erm... Well th' ice cream... I's gone bad, yeh see. So if yeh eat any more, yeh'll get sick." In the head, clearly. "So stop feedin' the hippogriffs." Not that they needed extra food anyways.
"Plus yeh're not supposed ter be in here a' all. So I need everyone ter follow me back ter the castle an' get ter bed. An' no arguin'!" Leaving no room for discussion, he turned around and, ignoring the squawking hippogriffs, headed back down the path towards the castle.[/QUOTE]
But....but... Eliza was trailing along with Lex to find this mystery fridge and polish off the rest of her ice cream with all of her new forest friends when the groundskeeper cast a patronus. And she knew that a patronus was usually never a good thing. Like it usually meant someone was in trouble or was sending an important message. But why doesn't he want to stay with us? She gave him a clueless look and said, "But, my ice cream tastes just fine, see?" And took a giant bite of it, maybe even had a small dribble down her chin. But that was okay because she'd just lick that up in a minute. Ice cream was ice cream, on the spoon or no. Kind of like corn on the cob. It was still yummy corn when it was in a bowl, right? But anyway. "Are you sure you want to go back? We have plenty to share! Promise!" She really didn't want to go back yet. They'd barely even begun to explore yet! She didn't get glum though, just kept on eating her ice cream with the frozen tub clutched to her chest. She hoped the other didn't want to leave either, so she was definitely dilly dallying about following Mr. Firth back to the castle.
She watched him take a few steps forward and willed him to turn around and come have ice cream with them anyway. Ice cream gobble. Watching. Ice cream lick. And watching.
__________________  ... CHARMING ... HUMBLE ... REFINED ... |