SPOILER!!: Aquila and Trubridge!
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On the days when this young Claw headed out for the castle grounds for a bit of fruit picking or just sky gazing this particular greenhouse was one of the secret places she’d love to spend time in, primarily because it hosted a colorful bed of water lilies—her favorite flower.
And there she goes, quietly making her way to her favorite spot by the pool-like containers when she heard a voice that made her jump in her robes. That was Lex, she knew her booming voice by now— and was about to brightly skip over to say hello but then spotted that big bright red hair at the horizon.
Welp, there goes the skipping and the beaming “G-Good day Headmistress.” The young Claw curtsied shyly, but managed to squeeze in a tiny excited wave to Lex.
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The Headmistress had just put on a long, stretchy pair of pink, waterproof gloves and submerged her arm up into a tank up to the elbow when lo and behold, her least favorite student walked into the greenhouse.
"Miss Cambridge," she gritted her teeth and greeted the girl. It figured that she would be asking about her annoying cat again. Um, her policy on levitating kneazles though? "I don't have one, I don't think," the Headmistress answered as she moved her hand around the tank, looking at the plants and massaging their roots gently.
"Why, did the kneazle do something to deserve the levitation??" Probably. And oh look, another student. This one she didn't know, though. "Helllllllo," the Headmistress returned the girl's curtsy with a smile of acknowledgement.
She wasn't sure whether it would have been best to take that as a good thing or not. Did not having a policy mean that she didn't condone it...or did she just not care because she'd levitate any kneazle, any time???? For now she wouldn't question it because Felix wasn't there which meant he was safe...even if some other organism wasn't.
"Aquila!!!" GRIN! A welcomed distraction but to answer the WONDERFUL Headmistress' question.
"Noooooooooooo, nothing I saw anyway." Which made it a definite no.
"And how is your cat doing?? That fat one that was in your office? Did you take him to school this term?? Felix likes friends they could play together--well actually Tag wanted Spot and Felix to play together but they can have a third friend and it'd be like a feline playdate!! They'd be bestfriends in no time then we'd all get closer tooooooo!!!" She paused to BEEEEAAAAAM up at the woman, now bouncing with excitement.
"Felines are a close knit species you know, they'd want to see each other looooads then we'd have to see each other loads but I wouldn't mind all that much and I figure you wouldn't mind either. It'd be like we're buds or something 'cept we wouldn't be because if I stole gems then you'd be the last to know." GRIIIIIIIN.
She got the feeling she'd been talking too much, but talking was so fun!
Back to the Ravenclaw while the Headmistress took the time to think that all through. It was all such exciting news. Lex would be rolling with the Bunz, hehehehehehe.
"Do you mind telling me where we are?" The girl seemed to have a working idea of their current location.
"And have you by chance seen a kneazle running around?" Also very important.