The female Hippogriff that had been startled by the Groundskeeper slowly began to call down and was back on all four legs when he bowed. She watched him nervously, clipped her beak once as he approached....and then decided he was okay. When he petted her neck she began to follow him sensing he was good.
The other Hippogriffs who were near the students began to get nervous with all the shouting and pointing and took a few steps back but then a mouse was thrown their way from the Groundskeeper and they came out into full view of the humans, snapping and fighting over the treat. After the one swallowed the rodent they turned back to the humans and their bowls. "Squawk! Squawk!"
They slowly approached the ones holding them and after a few timid steps ignoring the adult, they began to eat the cool treat, their wings spreading slightly in their delight.
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