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She continued to walk, admiring the tall trees and the smell of the breeze that was ruffling her light auburn hair - when she heard a noise. A crunching noise. Something else was here. Or someone. She froze in place and listened to the sound. Footsteps? They seemed to be coming from up ahead of her, so she rushed forward a few yards and ducked behind a tree.
That's when she saw a familiar tussle of hair. She whispered and hissed to get her attention. "Psssst! Psssssssssst! Lex is that you?" But if it wasn't her....she'd just run. Run as fast as she could.[/SIZE][/FONT]
Just how far did one have to go to find a giant fridge anyway? With every tree that she passed she thought it'd be just behind the other but there seemed to be no such luck. For now she'd just skip along, taking in everything in the dim light. Lex wasn't going to use the illuminating charm because that might have woken up the other creatures then they'd probably want some of the ice-cream too.
How's about no?
Th forest she would share with, everything else...not so much, no. As she walked she continued humming. Perhaps she should have taken Felix will her? He was good at direction, better than her!--
Ooooo, lookit!
Lex spun around when she caught sight of something swinging from the corner of her eyes. If only she could see, but hello, no ice-cream sharing, go back to bed whatever you are. Then there was more footsteps. Those weren't
hers, even SHE knew that. Next thing she knew there was hissing. She tilted her head and stared curiously into the darkness.
"Eliza?" Slowly she moved forward, checking tree after tree until finally she found her.
"OH HEY!!! You came to have ice-cream with the forest toooooo??? I don't mind sharing with you so it's fine." BEEEEAM.