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Old 06-06-2013, 08:45 AM
Hera Hera is offline
Default Herbology Workshop

Herbology Workshop

In preparation for the looking Hogseade Plant Sale, the second homework task is set up in greenhouse seven. The coloured pots containing Umbrella Flower and Immature Fanged Geraniums and Honking Daffodil shoots are set up to one side of the long oak table, providing plenty of room for students to complete their homework task.

Medium sized pots are stacked up on the floor beside the end of the table, a sack of potting soil and a bucket of dragon dung keeping are positioned beside it. A number of blank tags are situated on the table beside a box of pink, orange and purple Puffapod seeds.

The blackboard has been dusted off and bore the appropriate instructions for anybody who should need them.

Originally Posted by Blackboard

Herbology Homework Workshop

Potting Puffapods

[1] Fill the pot halfway with potting soil.
[2] Drop your Puffapod seed from five feet, fragile perimeter facing down. (dropping it on the floor is best, for the appropriate impact, do not throw the seed!)
[3] Pick up your bloomed Puffapod and shake out the roots gently before placing it into the pot.
[4] Fill the hole back in and pat it down gently.
[5] Water your puffapod.
[6] Fertilize it with Hippogriff dung fertilizer.
[7] Write your name, house and year on a tag and stick it in the soil. Clean up your workspace.
Remember, be on your best behaviour, Professor Bentley will surely be checking in to see how things are progressing.