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Beezus was tired......really tired. Elise was driving the team nuts with the practice schedules she had put up and that, plus Prefect duties and girlfriend responsibilities....the brunette just needed a little bit of space...from everything....even for just two hours of today or the whole afternoon preferably. Hence, she was spending her free time here at the docks, soaking her feet in the lake's cold water while humming thoughtfully as she leaned on one of the wooden posts.
She closed her eyes and hugged herself. It was starting to get cold out here but she didn't want to go inside the castle just yet. Gah. What a dilemma.
Dramatic sigh.
Dramatic sigh
Oakey hated this Month. Nothing good ever came with December until after Christmas. For now, he'll keep his distance from everyone and just throw rocks in the lake from the swimming docks. No one swam in the lake when it was below thirty degrees. Unless you were a Crazy Ravenclaw or just plain crazy to boot.
So looking nowhere but forward Oakey walked onto the docks, and tripped over something that was leaning on one of the wooden posts.