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Old 06-02-2013, 01:09 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sarah Edwards

Default different timeline ///Divination Hw post one - morning reading
Gryffinclaw-Ravendor • The REAL Hermione Granger

Sarah's stomach was hurting. Sarah's stomach was the kind of stomach that would not let her get out of bed if it was not lured out by food. If it was empty it would protest so aggresively it would be hard to stand, walk and basiaclly do anything that was not lying down on it. It always had to be h\busy, just like Sarah. Sarah tried to placate it by remidin git that she would eat soon and from then on ignored it.

Now she was here to make tea and do a reading. She took out her cup and sacuer from her satchel and placed them before her. She was about to warm up her own water yet then noticed that the room already provided for that. She filled her cup 3/4 of the way and added a teaspoon of the tea leaves that she had discovered in the room. She did not mind using the awful tea leaves as that prevented her from wanting to drink too much and therefore fail the reading (she had to leave a bit at the bottom). SHe let the tea brew as she tried to clear her mind. She hated this part, for Sarah any moment when her mind was not thinking was a wasted moment.

By the time she cleared her mind the two minutes were over. Sarah dipped her finger in a few times in order to test the tempreture. Once satified she lifted the cup with her left hand and paused. WHat should she thik about. As it was the morning Sarah decided to think about what the school days ahead will bring. She then began to sip her tea concentrating hard on the question.

Finally the cup was drained except for the bottom bit and Sarah gave it three swirls, dumped the cup on her saucer and then took three breathes and turned it over. Now the actual work.

She began to see what was in it. First she looked at the rim and tied to discern shapes. There was some kind of stick, pin or wand or something like that. She looked for them in her textbook and could not find an entry for that, yet she did see needle. Perhaps she had a needle. Yes she had a needle. Now the middle area. That looked like a bell or ball. Sarah looked up the interpretations for both and decided that having a bell would be more favourable. Now the bottom, or the base. What was her conclusion, it looked like an open book. Or at least by adding some specks here and there mentally it did. Great that wad done now she needed to make her journal entry.

She took out her journal and began to write:
Rim: needle
middle: bell
base: open book

In the rim, which signifies today I found a needle A needle suggests that you will receive recognition for a job well done. Today I will get homework back all marked. Maybe a test as well. Or it can just mean a compliment from the teacher.In the middle I have a bell - A bell predicts that you'll be hearing of news, which will connect, closely with your current concerns. In the near future I will find out what is really happening at Hogwarts. Why it suddenly went poor and why a lot of things were repossesed. This will all happen soon. Meanwhile more investigating is due. Now on to the open book - An open book means learning and knowledge.In the end of my school days I will have learnt a lot. This actually seems pretty obvious to me.
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