Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN Awww they have to remove the bracelets? But Aquila has grown to really really like her bracelet.
Regretfully she took it off, and the maze melted away. She turned her head to see the rest of the class in collected clumps—exactly as they were when they were surrounded by the bushes of the maze. And then something caught her eye... Gaaaasp. Was that a unicorn? And off she goes closer to the students in yellow, wanting to have a better look...
It really was a unicorn!
She clapped her hands softly to herself—this one looked SO PRETTY, and very much like those images in the books she’s read, unlike those strange horse-things that pulled the carriages. “Haaiii Unicorn!” she waved and beamed at the creature.
Blessed are they of simple joys. |