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Old 06-01-2013, 05:47 AM   #8 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Yarborough
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emerald Peridot "Dot" Ainsley
Seventh Year

Default DaDa 1. // practice.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Words couldn't describe the excitement the Third Year felt as she bolted down staircase after staircase, shoved student after after student that stood in her way and jumped over this one kid that seemed to like the ground, really she couldn't tell, nor did she WANT to tell because at the moment her mind was gainfully occupied with the activity ahead.

She threw the door to the dueling arena open and stopped only briefly to catch her breath and ensure Felix was still breathing. That done, she made big, important steps into the room. Today seemed to be her lucky day, she had the arena all to herself. GRIIIIIIIIIN. Lex set Felix down on a bench, the poor thing was motion sick, and plopped down on the floor next to him. "Alright Felix, you get to see something epic today." She said, while flipping through the book of spells her father had gotten her to go with her hexes, jinxes and curses books. Such a good man, quite supportive in her endeavours. Quite shocked she actually wanted to read too.

Ah hah! Just the one she wanted. She held the book higher so the kneazle could see. "This one's just like that other spell Mr. Vinteren taught me...only not because it's not a curse really." Lex slapped the book shut. "Hang on, I'll show you." She hopped up and placed the book next to him before walking closer to one of the dummies.

Alexa raised her wand, took a deep breath then aimed at the thing. "" Just getting the incantation first. "Alright, now watch closely."

First, she focused just the way Mr. Vinteren had instructed her that time. "Bombarda!"


Lex squealed with absolute delight at the sound of the explosion. IT WORKED! "Did you see that????" Clearly Felix did because he was now sitting with his back a bit straighter. She had his attention! Eeep! Usually the feline was fine with sleeping until she completed whatever it was that she had dragged him along for.

She took aim at another. "Bombarda!" And another and another until there was a succession BOOMs and ripples of giggles escaping the Gryffindors lips. She liked explosions, they made prettiful noises and were EPIC, not to mention the fact that they were LOUD. "Bombarda!" It was good the dummies fixed themselves up right after, meant she had more to blow up. Hehehehehehehe. She could do this all day.

Mika had heard a boombing sound as she was walking into the room and just glanced around the room. There was the person making all the noise – and she just beamed. “Awesome work Lexa” she just beamed at her Gryffindor friend and walked further into the room.

She however had another spell she wanted to try. She beamed over to Lex though, “hows the bombarding going?” she asked beaming at her friend. As she took out her wand and walked around the dummy as if she was scoping it out for a weak point. Sure it had a wand in hand but it wasn’t alive. Which was good. She walked right up to it, stood, on her tiptoes and looked at where its face would be. “I’m going to take you down” she smiled in a sincerely creepy smile. Seriously, if she’d used that smile when she first met Mo he’d think she was creepy and not just call her it.

Lucky she was only in the room with Lexa right? Cause that face wouldn’t creep her out, “Its my imma attack your face-face” she beamed at Lexa. She kept beaming as she turned to the thing with a slight smirk in place as she thought of the hex, jinx, curse...whatever to cast at it.

She knew a spell she wanted to try...there was a witch in Africa who told her about it...yep and then she studied it - and it was awesome. "Redactum Skullus" she watched as the dummy's head shrunk down to half its normal size. "That would not be comfortable." she muttered but burst out laughing at the funny looking dummy.

IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
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