post 3 A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
West could see the Thestrals as well?
Daichi looked at the younger Slytherin for a second before his eyes found the Thestrals again. He felt easier now that the Thestrals were walking the other way and when the spell he had casted on the board opened it he looked at Sky. She had the map right? When the others walked further, he walked behind them through the maze.
Because he was behind the others, he could see what was happening and what the others were doing and he rolled his eyes when Dylan fistbumped Kat and even called her dearest. Blegh!
Before he knew it , they were already at the fourth riddle and when the board blocked their way he read the text. After hearing West's answer for the riddle he looked at the board again, a slight frown on his face. He never had been good with riddles anyway. "I think so.." He knew the symbol of that rune but the meaning? He had no idea...
Because he already had carved a rune in one of the wooden planks, Daichi decided to let someone else who hadn't done it yet get the credit.
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