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There he went with the patting again. Did he not SEE that she was wearing extremely high heels? She could kick a hole through his leg if she wanted to. But she didn't, and that was the problem. Ivy SIGHED and swung her legs off of his knees before he could do anymore patting.
Merlin's beard, he was really asking for it. "Shut up!" she repeated and smacked his shoulder, still not very hard. "You really enjoy making fun of me, don't you?" Ivy stood up from the couch and folded her arms. She was trying to pout, but it wasn't working very well because her stupid smile kept getting in the way. Guh.
Heh, so she could take a hint. Good. Erik was getting tired of serving as a footrest anyway
not true.
He raised his eyebrows when she stood up all haughty-like. Oh? Was she leaving then, or just pouting for a while? Perhaps he
had pushed it too far....only problem was....
"I see you smiling," Erik pointed out with a genuine grin of his own.
"See, you like being teased. But in case you were wondering, yes, I quite enjoy making fun of you. But only you." Wink.