SPOILER!!: Daichi and Thestrals
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"I know" Daichi said to West with a nod and took his wand out of its wrist holster. "It's the one that looks like an M" He pointed it at the wooden plank but lowered it slightly when something in the corner of his eye caught his attention.
He turned his head to the side and his eyes met a pair of Thestrals. Well, they were near the forest so it wasn't that odd right? "We have company" he said. "Thestrals, in case someone thinks i'm crazy" Since those creatures were invisible to the people who hadn't witnessed...anyways!
He turned his attention back to the wooden plank and focused on the incantation."Intaglio Ehwaz" he said in a firm voice and light from the wand hit the board. "Ehwaz...Ehwaz..Ehwaz" he continued muttering as slowly, but faster than in class, the Runic letter for Ehwaz became visible in the carved wood.
When he was finished, he stopped the spell with an Finite and took a deep breath. "Alright, done" he announced with a small smile as the carved Ehwaz shined in the wooden plank.
Now what?
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A pair of Thestrals trot across the grounds, away from the shelter of the forest. Heads turning rapidly with ears laying flat, the Thestrals assessed their surroundings, their white-eyes observing the equally odd behaviours of the little humans.
Nod. Yes. West might have said something about runes and that heyyy they could go through the barrier! But... yes he saw the Thestrals. West watched with his head tilted to one side...
... and then looking towards Dylan he silently made sure his wand was at the ready because
that was not normal.
"I see them." He said quietly. And he thought he recognized one of them from when he and Kat had fed them that one time with raw meat.
"... I feel like someone should go let Professor Barlow know there are Thestrals roaming around on the grounds." He added sort of casually, like it was no big deal but ... come on.