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Old 05-30-2013, 05:15 AM   #12 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ashton P. Walker
First Year

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Default Post 1! Ehwaz.
Eagle Eye [⅓ Badger Trio] Felon & Kafka ♥ Gilderoy Lockhart <3 [TEAM 947!]

Hmmm? The Death card? That was number 13? Talk about lucky numbers, eh?

The guy who speaks Sweden (that means Wade) got it right, though. Or at least she thought of the same rune. "It's Ehwaz, yes," nod, nod. Was someone going to use their wands...or...?

Nothing bad would happen if they got it wrong, right? RIGHT.

"It's not like we'll die if we don't get it right, actually," she said, before deciding somethiiiiing...

...she will do it. She cleared her throat and aimed her wand at the wood plank. Focussssing all the way. "Intaglio Ehwaz Ehwaz Ehwaz Ehwaz...," EH WHAT'S THAT?!

The girl quickly turned around. "A UNICORN!" Where's was Tag when you needed him?! Will he believe her NOW? She was BEAMING, though, besides wondering WHY it was there. And WHAT was it running from.
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