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Old 05-30-2013, 01:59 AM
Magical Soul Magical Soul is offline
Gryffindor The Maze By The Forest - Gryffindors

Out in the grounds and closely by the forest lied a wall of canopy leaves with one opening for you to walk in to the slightly dark path. As soon as you step inside and walk a few steps, a wooden plank would face you with the following carvings:
OOC Instructions: - You need to post at least once in this thread in order to be allowed to play here.
- You need to be a Gryffindor to post here.
- You can RP your character thinking about the puzzle with their housemates, then carving the rune they think is the answer to the puzzle using the Intaglio spell, like they learned in class.
- A new puzzle will be posted by me every 10-12 hrs, provided that the previous puzzle was answered to and someone RPed carving the answer on the wood block.
- You don't have to wait for me to tell you if it was the correct answer or not, the block will move aside as soon as you carve any rune.
- The puzzles contain keywords that would lead you to the correct answer, so stay vigilant. Use the textbook thread to help you.
- You need at least 5 posts in this thread to be considered for full credit for this activity.
- You're all working as a team, give the others a chance to participate. Teamwork counts.
- The activity will be over in 72 hrs.
- Any questions/concerns/complaints, you can reach me through PM/IM/Twitter.
- Have fun!
Originally Posted by Riddle #1
“Our future selves call us from infinite pasts, and each night are eroded with our dreams.”