DADA Homework Gryffinclaw-Ravendor • The REAL Hermione Granger
Sarah walked into the room. It was strange knowing that you were going to face a boggart. Usually it could scare the wits out of a person if they did not know if it was a boggart.
As she strode purposefully into the room she looked around. It was dusty, which lead to a round of sneezes from Sarah yet then a sound of a trunk opening made her jump. IT WAS A DEMONTER COMING AT HER! The logical side of her was telling her that it was not real, yet then the recent strange events going on at Hogwarts convinced her that it was a demontor. The greyish figure began gliding towards her and her pulse quickened, she thought she was going to die of a heart attack, yet really itw as only a panic attack. She reached for her wand. ""Expecto Patronum" she roared in a shaky voice thinking of waking up in the morning breathing and her heart beating. A few whisps came out of her wand yet nothing. All she could see was the creature coming closer. She thought of the first time she had it, it was in a desolate place on the grounds and she practicing it until she finally got it (albeit the . (Sarah was a very anxious person and also a just inxcase one so she wanted to learna ll the Defense against the dark arts spells she could). And when she did she was so happy. That was a nice memory ""Expecto Patronum" she said concentrating hard on the memory of jumping for joy when she had it. Alas there was nothing, just a bit more whispy clouds. Finally Sarah thought of her next memory scoring a goal in the previous year's game against the Hufflepuffs. She though t of her zooming down the pitch with the quaffle in her hand and scoring- ""Expecto Patronum" she shouted, fuill of self confidence and behold a dolphin bounded forth. Sarah was so overjoyed that it was the first time she had produced a Corporeal Patronus and she was so busy celebrating that she did not realize right away that the demonter did not stumble. Then she had it, it was really a Bogggert.
More positive thoughts were required then. She thought of being alive and pointed her wand at the Boggart., thinking in her mind about its cloack flying open revealing it was wearing a 'WORLDS BIGGEST LOSEr" t shirt. "Riddikulus " she said and behold the cloack few open and there in bold letters on its top it said "WORLDS BIGGEST LOSER". Sarah began to laugh then stopped briefly remembereing that it was not nice to laugh at other people misfortunes, shrugged it off and laughed again. She laughed and laughed and then crack the thing was gone and Saraj collapsed on the floor emotionally drained.
She got up a moment later, remembering that she should write home and tell her mother about her first corpreal patronus. That was more exciting to it all. All this confirmed that indeed all things work out for the best, and from a panmic attack she learnt how to make a patronus and her patronus was a dolphin. Sarah always thought it would be that.
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