Maybe it was just her but today seemed extra long and seeing the end of it didn't make her feel any better. Right now she wasn't all that tired but she didn't much feel like doing homework either. Ah well. This wouldn't be so hard. Drink some tea and make out the pictures. Nothing to it.
During the week she'd owled her father to send her a teacup and some GOOD TASTING tea. That was her excuse for not having started the reading before just now. The cup was important and there was no way she was downing anymore of whatever that thing was they had in class.
Lex sat, legs folded like a pretzel, on her bed with her DADA textbook lying before her while she waited on the tea she had brewed to become a bit cooler. Might as well keep herself occupied so she wouldn't fall asleep from boredom. This was the time of the night where she needed to stay active or she'd crash. The candy was helping out a bit with that. Just beside the book was the parchment she'd traced the outline of the cup with. Mhm, she was well prepared.
After another minute or two she shut the book and reached for the tea cup. Mmmmmmm, good tea and a good cup. She should ask her father to send her more things maybe then she'd go back to some form of normalcy.
Sip. Siiiiiip. Clearing her mind...
She left enough in the cup and got straight to it, swirling the tea leaves around then up-turning the cup on the parchment, marked the spot of the handle then got to the funny pictures. Let's see...
There Ear...a knife...and...a purse? Lex scribbled them down and drew for her Divination text for the interpretations so she could make her journal entry.
She peered into the book but was less convinced with each one. Merlin's Beard! This was why she shouldn't do these things before bed! These were terrible!!! Did she really have to record them??????