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Old 05-28-2013, 03:07 PM   #15 (permalink)

Mackled Malaclaw
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Amestris (GMT+8)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Harri Ainsworth
Second Year
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!

She had to face a boggart today.

That was just great. Professor Romanos had seemingly wanted to take every one of them for a treat. Sarcasm? Of course it was. Beezus couldn’t easily forget how she felt last term during her DADA practical where they have to make it through a maze and face a couple of unfriendly creatures, one of them – the one she had the hardest time fighting off – being a boggart. The set of flashbacks were painfully vivid now that she was ambling towards the Defense Classroom. She could see herself casting spells against those redcaps, the poltergeist and finally.....the boggart which assumed....something...dreadful. But there was hardly a choice; she knew she’d witness that scene again in a matter of minutes.

This was all too overwhelming, was it not?



The Ravenclaw turned the doorknob, and stepped inside. It was.....dim. The windows were clouded with dust and grime, cobwebs lined the corners and in that moment, she almost wanted to do some cleaning first before getting to the real part. Just then, something rattled from the back of the classroom. A box that was almost bouncing up and down on the spot. She had her back to it that she only heard when it creaked open. And then.......silence. Complete and utter silence filled the room as she gulped, ever slowly turning around. She knew the boggart had turned in to what was supposed to be her greatest fear by now and so, she clutched her wand tightly at the ready.

She was going to see that scene again, she knew.

And her belief was proven correct for right before her eyes lay a mangled corpse, dead and cold...its body was up in odd angles and it bathed on a fresh pool of blood that appeared so true she could even smell its metallic scent. A searing pain suddenly hit her left eyebrow at the sight, it made everything look red. It made her palms sweat cold and it became hard to breathe. She bit her bottom lip hard and crouched down in front of the body. It was Bambi’s....her sister. It was exactly how she looked like years ago when she got hit by muggle automobile with her, Beezus, unable to do anything but helplessly stare in shock. Her mother blamed her for what happened after that. Merlin, she couldn’t entirely grasp the explanation why her supposed to be greatest fear was her sister’s dead body. But it did have its effect on for therein she began trembling yet she held herself together and cracked an ached smile. “Is this all you’ve got?” She asked the creature hiding behind the mask that was her sister’s corpse. She knew it wasn’t finished taunting her though so she waited.

Then it began to deform, the body changed in size....the hair and limbs became longer, the face contorting until all she could make out was another corpse. This time it was her mother. Blood gashing out from a deep cut on the woman’s face as the same time a hateful tear rolled down Beezus’ cheek. How dare this creature use her family members against her. She harshly wiped the tear away, “Your tricks aren’t working on me.” Beezus muttered through a muffled sob. But it was working all right, she was shaking now. However, she wasn’t going to let this creature get the best of her.

Let’s see what you’ve got.” Yes, she was seemingly mocking the boggart. This creature didn’t have the right to make her feel like........that. It didn’t have the right to use her loved ones to hurt her. She was going to show it that she was strong enough not to fall into its trap. It began to morph into something else again, or better yet, someone else.

Within a few moments, she had another important person bathing in blood in front of her – Aunt Bel. Dark red violently lined the woman’s midsection, making Beezus’s insides knot in various places. The throbbing pain in her head had intensified now that she was fighting off the boggart’s attempts without casting a counter spell. She’d have to use the spell soon but she wanted to see how long the creature would want to keep their tirade. Then it threw in its last card. Her Aunt’s body was then soon replaced by an all too familiar figure that made her chew the insides of her cheeks. The corpse’s blonde hair was marred with blood and he had wounds and cuts along his arms, his chest covered with more of the red liquid. That was it. She had enough. “Curse you, boggart.” With a strangled sob stuck in her throat, Beezus hastily pointed her wand at the body, forcibly shut her eyes closed and pulled out a rather blissful, peaceful memory from her mind.....

.......”Riddikulus!” She cried before releasing a shaky breath. The spell made a whip-snapping noise, hit it full on and what remained before her was sand. Fine, warm and pearl-white sand. For some reason, this made her chuckle. Happy memories of those people the boggart turned into filled her mind as she wiped her eyes off. The sand then began to move almost like a vortex that seemed to have been powered by rotating winds. It closely resembled a tornado and it whirled around her before making its way back into the box followed by the lid squeaking shut.

The brunette inhaled deeply and exhaled just as much before standing up to holster her wand. She threw the box a last glance before exiting the classroom.

Maybe she could go see Professor Romanos and ask if she could volunteer to clean up that classroom. Or....find Dylan. A power hug was truly going to be appreciated right now.

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