Eliza was on her way to the Great Hall with some hot water and tea to try and do a reading for Divination, when she saw a commotion at the hour glasses. At first, all she saw was Lex and another girl who seemed to be yelling at something. She took a few steps closer and saw that the Gryffindor gems were spilling all over the floor and into some sort of bag! Oh and now Mo and another girl were getting closer to the hourglasses as well. "LEX! What is going on here?" she asked as she rushed over, thinking maybe Lex had gone a little too far with her blasting skills. But when she was near enough to see, she couldn't believe her eyes. She nearly dropped her mug on the floor when she saw a short, tiny, long fingered little Goblin standing in front of them with a sword. Backing away slightly, the Ravenclaw grabbed the arm of her lion friend and tried to get her to step back as well. "W-why does the Goblin have a sword in the castle?" What on Earth was going on here?! She looked around, worried, and wondered where Ethan and Min were right now.
She listened as Mo confronted the Goblin as well. Speak to your leader?! That one's probably got worse things than a sword! Imagine what the LEADER might have! She had completely abandoned the tessomancy thing for now and sat her cup down, not caring what may happen to it. She was pretty sure the only symbols she'd see now would tell her she was in danger.
__________________  ... CHARMING ... HUMBLE ... REFINED ... |