Woooops... muehehehehe *evil* Arts TRANSPONSTER! Sophie was not ready for this... she knew what her Boggart was. She had seen it in that strange book a couple of years ago... She had read all about Boggarts for her second year final, even. She knew stuff. She knew how to beat it and everything.
Yet she was not ready.
The Hufflepuff was already shaking from head to toe as she opened the DADA classroom's door and slowly entered. She gulped and closed the door behind her as closely as possible. The silence did not help one bit and Sophie immediately pulled out her wand. Her eyes fell on the lonely trunk that surely stored the awful creature she was about to face.
Why would professor Romanos do that to them??? Alright, Sophie knew it was important to face her fears and that it was only a Boggart, but as she stepped closer to the trunk, she could already feel her face burning and tears coming to her eyes. She didn't want to do this! She was not ready! But she had to.
Before she could pull herself together, or even think about anything else, the trunk's lid flung open and a loud, horrendous screech filled the room as a long-haired, green-skinned woman rose from inside the trunk.
Sophie covered her ears and screamed almost as loudly as the Banshee. As she closed her eyes tightly, many tears started streaming down her face and she automatically stepped back. The fifth year tripped on her own feet and fell over backwards, squinting her eyes because of the terrifying screech that felt like it was piercing her tympanum. Merlin help her!! The Boggart wouldn't come out of the trunk, though, would it??
Mainly out of fear, the badger looked over to the trunk only to see the monster stepping out of it and slowly coming in her direction. Oh no.... oh no, oh no, oh no, that was not good!
Completely forgetting about the spell she was supposed to use, Sophie just stayed on the floor looking terrified, grasping her wand tightly, not even pointing it at the Boggart or attempting to cast any sort of spell at it. The thing kept coming her way and Sophie crawled backwards, not able to take her still watery eyes off the awful creature.
Once the Boggart!Banshee screeched even louder and stretched its arms towards her, Sophie shrieked and bursted into more tears. She managed to get up and run back to the door, pulling it open and slamming it shut after she ran through it. "COLLOPORTUS!" She cried, pointing her wand at the door lock and turning around to run to the dorms.
__________________ AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________  Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you! |