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Lex blinked over at the girl. Had she said something? Yeah she had but it was hardly worth repeating now wasn't it? As it stood she didn't like repeating things too often, repetitive things were boring and annoyed her half the time so she simply shrugged at that question and continued watching the horrid coloured rat. Poor thing.
The next thing she said had Lex kinda wrinkling her nose and making a face. Merlin, the thing use to be normal and she ruined it. Now she especially felt bad for the poor little thing. It was a shame really. The only people she could see appreciated that rat were the Headmistress, Lottie and obviously this girl here. She thought to correct her on the whole prettiest pet thing but was interrupted by a sudden rubbing at her feet. Glancing down she saw the kneazle had returned without the marker she'd used to colour the portraits earlier. "Good boy! Extra treats for you later!" Lex said, swooping him into her arms. It didn't seem like he'd noticed the rat. Good.
Oh but now the girl was...reassuring the rat? Riiight..."I get lost too but usually on purpose because that way it's more fun and gives me something to do, plus I have Felix," she gestured to the kneazle now snuggle in her arms, "he's real good at directions."
"How can you not worry? They all left poor Toddles and now he's the saddest thing ever." He was just a baaaaaaby.
"And Felix isn't a cat, he's a kneazle." There was a difference and the kneazle was now offended. And NOW he noticed the rat. Lex gripped more firmly to him and muttered a quick 'behave' before shaking the girl's hand. Yeah, kneazle under control, all was good; in theory.
The young girl watched Lex when she talked about Little princess and had answered her question and she was NOT happy with what she saw! Lex seemed to… not like Little princess! Sonea had problems to believe it, Little princess was really cute AND she had a nice color. But, Sonea knew that not anybody liked pink as much as she did, but still, it was not a good thing that she seemed to not like Little princess! The young girl was also not sure if she liked the other girl now that she seemed to NOT like Little princess! But, until she had more proof of that she kept her doubts for herself.
With a sigh she looked again at the portrait next her and just when she did that she saw that the cat from the other girl returned! She looked immediately worried and tensed, she was not sure if the cat would hunt Little princess if he saw her, so Sonea already prepared herself to defend Little princess if it was needed! But when Sonea observed the cat she saw that… she carried a marker? That was strange… But, Sonea was NOT like Lex and gave her a compliment about her cat, even now that she DID not like it that her Little princess was in the presence from the cat!
“She is cute, is she trained?” Sonea hoped that the cat was trained and that she would not hurt Little princess! But, she didn’t needed to worry, Lex took her cat in her arms and Sonea felt a little more relieved now.
“Why do you want to get lost on purpose? I can think of plenty other things to do instead of getting lost” said Sonea not understanding what was so funny about walking around in the castle and without knowing where you were…
“Oh, so you cat is also smart?” smiled Sonea.
“Little princess is helping me also when I’m lost, she can smell it when we are almost back to or common room.” Sonea smiled proudly when she talked about her rat and grinned.
She frowned when she listened to the other girl while she talked about the house elf Toddles and she was really NOT sorry for the elf, why would she? The elf was here to clean and to obey and nothing more, a elf was not supposed to walk freely, he was born to serve!
“I don’t know… I suppose that knew what he need to do, he is a elf after all” Sonea frowned when she talked, she wondered why Lex was so worried about the elf, Toddles.
“A kneazle?” Sonea looked closer at the animal and suddenly knew that Lex was right, it was really a kneasle and not a cat!
“Oh, sorry!” said Sonea quickly while she did worried a step backwards when the kneazle suddenly saw Little princess…