post 8 HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Mika watched some of the other students do their work as she thought of what to do next. There was a rather mean and scary (itty bitty) spider staring at her from another web. She didn’t like these things. “del-Deletrius” as she turned she spotted an thing dangling from Mo’s hair.
Yeah poor kid. “Spi-spide-spider” she managed to squawk out. And pointed finger. Pointing with wands could be bad. “hair…spider, hair.” Yeah she sounded crazy but maybe he’d get it.
She had to look away, and when she did she spotted it. A wad of bubblegum just sitting there on a seat. “Deletrius” there, the gum was gone. So good. She was glad for that even if her hand was still shaking and maybe she might have accidentally banished someone’s quill. But quills were more replaceable than say, desks. She was glad the desk hadn’t gone poof as well.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |