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Punishment, yes, again. Ivy knew that Erik was referring to her last job and the reason she, ahem, resigned. Ivy let out a small laugh and shook her head. "It wasn't even that bad. Just a bit of... exploding dust and dirt..." and then she mumbled something that sounded an awful lot like 'floating kneazles'. Huh.
And he had already taught a student a curse? Ivy raised her eyebrows, looking quite amused, mostly because he seemed so proud about that fact. "Oh, did you?" For some reason, that didn't surprise her. Ivy watched him with a small smile. "Sometimes I think you're too paranoid for your own good." She was trying to loosen him up a little, in a sense, but if she had heard footsteps, she probably would have been paranoid, too.
... Was she? Oh. Ivy glanced at him as he played with her hair before she looked away and shrugged her shoulders lightly. "Just thinking." As she did, far too much. He knew that, though.
Well, that was an important book to read if he wanted to teach History of Magic in this place. Smart man. "Have you read the whole thing before?" She imagined schools in Norway didn't require that textbook.
Erik knew she'd catch on to what he was referring- and he was relieved that she found it funny. He himself let out a low chuckle when he heard her mutter and shook his head at what he heard.
"No complaints here with your teaching methods, professor." Erik would probably find Ivy's teaching entertaining. Maybe he should drop in on one of her classes one day...
"I did," he nodded, not at all aware that the student he had taught had been the same one whose kneazle she'd tortured. Too paranoid for his own good?
"Vell my paranoia has kept me alive this long." So maybe it could keep him alive for just a little longer.
He met her eyes when she said she was thinking and blinked.
"Okay." As long as she was...still okay. He wouldn't press her now. Erik got a lounged a little more on the couch as the conversation turned toward his book.
"I have read it before." He paused.
"But I thought I might need a refresher before my lesson." Since it was rather Hogwarts-specific.