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Jasper walked through Hogsmeade with Brady in his arms. It wasn't all that cold out but Jasper had Brady all bundled up in his winter gear to make sure that Brady wouldn't get cold. If Whitnee was here she would be judging him about bundling Brady up, she's done it before but he just didn't want his son to be cold. It was a boys night out. Him and Brady. While Whitnee was most likely having a girls night out with his little sister Katlas right now. But how much fun could a girls night out be when they both are pregnant? They can't run around places because they would be like penguins and waddle around. Jasper couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.
The girl with the pink hair! Was that who he thought it was? Minerva? From ages ago? When he was still at Hogwarts? It's been forever since he has seen her. "Minnie? Is that you?" Jasper Scottish accent called out to the girl.
Minerva was lost in thought, where should she go when she heard her name and lifted her head. Looking around she didn't see any of her friends. Could they have been calling for someone else? Maybe, then Minerva remember there was another Minnie at school now. She had not met the girl yet, but she had heard someone else say the name and questioned it.
Just as she was about to put her head back down looking at the road as she thought, her eyes made contact with an older male holding a small child. He looked very familiar, was he the person calling her name. No it couldn't be, she didn't know anyone that had a child, did she. Her mind went thinking of Aaron, but his baby hadn't been born yet then it hit her. She jumped to her feet and went over smiling,
"Jasper!! Is that you? and this.. this is your son?" She looked at the boy he had to be maybe 1 or 2 possibly. She wasn't great at guessing small kids ages.
"Well hello there little one.. What is your name?" Was that the way to talk to them? She really didn't have much interaction with smaller kids then her brother and that was only a few years younger then her.