>_< She's a drama queen. *apologizes about length of this post* Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious Anya was shaking as she entered the classroom. She held her wand in front of her and slowly closed the door behind her. She didn’t want to be here. Not at all. In fact, she spent nearly an hour in a hysteria about the assignment. Jake told her not to come and that it wouldn’t hurt her grade too much. But… here she was, being her same reckless self. Whenever she was scared of something she preferred to face it straight on. Like the first time she heard about monsters beneath her bed… she slept under her bed with a bat for a week until she felt satisfied that she’d scared the monster away.
She took a few steps toward the shaking trunk in the front of the room. Was it just her… or was the room getting colder…? She clenched her wand tightly in her hand. She’d spent all day trying to figure out what her boggart would be. She thought herself into a near panic. Zombies? Giant spiders? Anything involving Jake in any sort of danger. She held her wand out in front of her wielding it in both hands like a sword. It could be anything. Anya, who wouldn’t normally admit to even fearing wax statues, seemed to fear a lot lately. And those were only the things from her nightmares. It would be… an orb-bearing house elf, or just an orb… or a crazy time stealing lady… or … frozen time (she was sure a boggart could find a way to do that).
… what if the boggart was a crazy lady who turned her into a frozen wax statue?! …did she still have time to turn around?
She took a few more steps toward the trunk. She could feel her panicked state coming back. She closed her eyes and sprinted the remaining distance. Hm… … … that was odd. Why couldn’t she hear the trunk rattling anymore…? She slowly peeked out of one eye. She couldn’t see anything.
At all.
Her other eye shot open and she spun around the spot panicked. Was she blind…? What just happened? It was beyond pitch black. Her breathing got faster. ”Lu—lu---…” she stuttered. Her wand remained invisibly dark in front of her. She swallowed. ”Lumos.” She was still holding a dark wand.
Nununununuuuu. Was she in a dark room with a broken wand? What was she supposed to do now? What happened when boggarts won? Was she about to become boggart food?
Her breathing got more panicked. ”Help.” she whimpered backing up in the direction she believed the door was. ”I’m… … Ican’tsee…” She kept walking backwards with her useless wand still held out like a sword.
… why did she feel like she was choking…? Was there something in the dark? She backed up until she felt a wall behind her. She continued breathing hard in the suffocating blackness. She slid down the wall and into a little ball willing someone to come through that door. She was scared. Too scared to even make her wand work. ”I’mscared. Idon’tlikebeingalone.” she said rocking slightly on the spot.
… wait a second.
… … she blinked several times. ”I’mscaredofbeingalone.” She opened her eyes and slowly stood back up using the wall behind her for balance. Anya Phillips just figured out her biggest fear. And… this… darkness… was… aloneness.
Eww. She was breathing in boggart. That was… gross.
Now… … how was she supposed to make this… funny…? She nervously twirled the ring on her finger. She wasn’t alone. She was never alone. She had proof of that right. She did. She was nearly weighed down with it. She’d put on her matching necklaces from Penne and her bracelet from Snakey. She even had her hair pulled back with the same hair band she used on her adventure with Ella. She racked her brain continuing to think of something to make her situation funny.
When an idea finally hit her, she yelled ”Riddikulus.”. And in numerous bright firework type explosions, the suffocating darkness and deafening silence retreated back to the trunk. The Gryffindor let out a delighted giggle. Fireworks. Not exactly humorous, but they did certainly cheer up the place. ”I am Anya Phillips and you did NOT get the best of me, boggart.” she said walking toward the door. She walked out and as the door of the classroom shut behind her she added in a mighty ”HA.” victory laugh for fun.
Now… to go find her boyfriend and a big bowl of ice cream. She’d been alone in the dark for far too long.
__________________ I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________  _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You |