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She was wincing, rubbing that sore spot in her face that smacked against the invisible barrier. Technically the wall did win but then she wasn’t much of an arguer, semantics or otherwise.
“Thank you Lex!” the young Claw smiled through the pain as another one of those silver things touches her hand. She drops the coin into the slot and waaaaaited for the click, then caaaaaaarefully pushed her way past the bars. “Gosh I really do hope there is ice-cream... I think I need something cold against this spot.” She mumbles as she joins the Gryffindor lass into the Hall. Lucky for you to have a friend who is willing to part with their money. With the payment of that one sickle you have earned your way into the Great Hall not only this time, but one more time too. Like your friend, you will have to find one more knut to be granted a third entrance to the Great Hall.
Now go, enjoy the wonderful
food ice cream that awaits just beyond those doors.