post 1 The Idea Man Kori-Kins
Laura had been watching, she had no idea what she was supposed to do, she wasn't really good with charms and she didn't want to hurt anyone so she hadn't really bothered trying them, but saying that watching her friends having fun made Laura want to try and so she decided that she would at least give it ago, hopefully nothing bad would happen.
Laura pointed her wand at at a chair and looked at it, it was really messy and Laura wanted to clean it but which spell to use, in the end she decide to point her wand at the chair whilst saying. "Scourgify!" Laura looked at it and smiled it was a bit cleaner but she could do better. "Scourgify!" Laura was really happy when the chair was clean, now she knew she could do this spell it was awesome.
It's time for a party.