Ancient Runes Lesson I The classroom was exactly the way it always had been; desks and chairs laid out in parallel rows, the small dais upon which the professor's big desk sat. The rectangular blackboard fixed to the wall over the dais. The only difference in the class, for the hawk-eyed students only, would be the lack of any Gandr baskets near the desk. The lack of anything interesting, really. However, the desks were freshly clean, and so was the floor and the whole room. The professor should be seated at his desk, reading, when the students show up. He'd greet and nod at them as they filed in.
Enter the room, take a seat, follow the instructions on the blackboard, then wait for the class to start. Quote:
Originally Posted by Blackboard "Write your name & your year on the parchment before you.
Tap it with your wand to turn it into a desk name tag.
Cease any other magic activities."
ooc:- Class will start in 12-20 hrs. You can RP your character walking in class freely. Try to keep the chatter down, please, though. CLASS HAS STARTED. Do not announce your arrival, just pretend that you've already been here all along.
- Please refresh yourselves with the Rules & Expectations of this class. xo
[]-> Class Progress
[] Greetings + Q1
[] Answers + Q2
[] Answers + sub-activity (practice the Intaglio spell).
[] How do we make the carving smoother?
[] How long does it last? What about bindrunes? (Activity still going)
[] Activity II instructions :: Gryffindors - Slytherins - Ravenclaws - Hufflepuffs
- [] Results of competition & class dismissed