Astro Homework 4 lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Seriously, West was getting pretty good at charms lately, he felt. Like certain things were just falling into place and all that. All that practice with Dylan and Sierra and other older students the past few years was starting to really help him out.
Not that this spell was a hard one. THAT wasn't actually the hard part at ALL. The hard part was lugging the thing around and not tripping over and DYING or something. He headed to the waiting room in the Hospital wing next for two reasons: 1, he knew it wasn't going to be TOO dirty given him and Dylan had spent a whole while scrubbing it at the end of term, and 2, because he knew that Tillstorm was only working part time and probably needed that extra help. He figured he'd do it and not tell her. She could just show up to a clean and dust free waiting room , and probably assume it was a house elf.
He appeared with the power cable wrapped around one leg and thrown over his shoulder, which was necessary to keep it out of the way. West started by the door, where people tracked in dust and stuff right? He tapped his vac tube. "Vacavus!" The old shoddy hoover wheezed alive again, lurching comically as West started moving it around, focusing on corners and trouble spots and letting his mind mentally picture an actual black hole sucking up stars (dust) and other space junk (more dust) if they got too it. "Vacavus!" Seriously. Again. Having to keep doing it was annoying. If only it lasted as long as a black hole did.... or not really, but relative and stuff. He tapped the tube and busied himself, working methodically around the waiting room, under the seating, in the corners, near the doors... essentially everywhere the vacuum nozzle could reach.
He didn't stop until it was empty space. No more dust stars in here.
Resorting to dragging the vacuum again, and thankful it was on wheels, West lugged it out of the waiting room.
The REAL question was, WHY had he lugged the vacuum all the way to the towers? Well, lugged maybe wasn't the right word, since halfway there he'd gotten annoyed and levitated it instead, but still! All the way from the dungeons to the towers! For science! for housework.
West chose to vacuum outside Professor Flammy's office for a reason: that reason being he figured people would overlook it and even if the Professor kept the area clean, chances were he'd been too distracted to do it too recently anyways, and Flammy needed dust-free love too.
Carefully, he lowered the vacuum to the ground, and held the nozzle at the ready. West tapped it feeling like a pro. "Vacavus!" The tube vibrated a bit like it was tired, and West felt a weird sympathy for it. It was like a metaphor for his LIFE. *dramatic*
Still he went hard along all the ridges and edges where dust and dirt tended to appear, mentally repeating over and over in his head EVENTHORIZONEVENTHORIZONEEVENTHORIZON. It sort of made it go faster, he thought. Like thinking about the actual VACUUM part, and relating it to the class material... well it made it less dull anyways.
The suction stopped again and West sighed. He was about to cast again when he remembered something Flamsteed had said in class. After a moment pause to collect himself, West tapped the vacuum again and said firmly, "Vacavus Maxima!" This time when the suction began, was it West's imagination or did it seem.... stronger. THIS black hole meant business.
Cackling to himself a bit, he continued sucking up the bits of dust and cobwebs here and there, even getting a stray scrap of parchment, a feather, and a droobles gum wrapper. Thinking about the class and stuff, West paused and looked around...
... and then dropped a jelly slug on the ground. He stood on the end of it, thinking of Mo's addition to his spaghettification comment, and started suctioning the end of it, seeing how much it would stretch.
Well, the answer as it turned out was 'not much', but still. It was kind of good giving it a go. He moved his foot and sucked up the slug completely then as the Maxima vacuming spell eventuallyl stopped, he looked around to survey his handiwork.
Alright, good enough and stuff.
__________________ love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you |