Text Cut: Geeez
Originally Posted by
The Narrator
As the crowd erupts into a deafening cheer for their student team, a gentle, chilling breeze folds in around the stadium, slinking it's way through the stands and field. Perhaps it's just the winter weather starting to make it's frosty appearance.
Or perhaps the excitement of the stadium is drawing something nearer.
Whoa. Vicious people were vicious. Merlin, it was like a free-for-all brawl out there! But Sky still had to chuckle at Lafay the broom stealer. Not that she would call her that to her face or anything. Nor chuckle. Not a good idea. But then things were getting to hard for her to keep up with and then.....
"Whooo-hhhhooooo!" And yes, the extra loud yelling was necessary.
Sky pulled her jacket closer around her as a chill went through the air. When had it gotten so cold out here? She didn't remember it being that chilly when the game first started. Hmmm. Weird.