Nerida started to twirl her dress, well as much as she could. It only twirled a bit not tons though.
"Nerida?" chimed two shrill young voices.
The Ravenclaw turned and smiled
Donella and Earendil!!!" What were they doing here alone? She held out her arms for the six year olds to jump into her arms, it felt like she hadn't seen them in forever!
The two children ran to their sister and jumped into her arms and gave her a big hug, "Where is sisssy? Donella chimed and then Earendil added "Yeah wears Sarassi!?"
Nerida found herself shrugging
"I think she is still at Hogwarts." Just as she finished speaking she saw her dad and mum. Her mum was looking better each day.
"Mum, dad! It looks like you got my letter?" "Yes hearing that you would be in hogsmeade it seemed like a perfect chance to come and see you. Plus I promised the kids ages ago." her mother answered. "Arwens not with us though wanted to go to a friends house." her father added.
Hey perfect time to sell right??
"Well since your here, Would you like to buy an ashwinder egg, 5 galleons?" Haldir gave a smile he taught his daughter well Well I guess but only because its you....Where is your sister?" He asked while he digged into his wallet for the money.
Once again Nerida said
"I don't know I think she is still at Hogwarts, you know her she just wants to get out of here!" She heard her mum sigh at this both there was really nothing she could do.
"Here you go darling." he said as he passed the galleons to his daughter. "MUMMY can we go now? I see itttt!" whinned Donella. Nyx gave out a chuckle before nodding and giving Nerida a kiss on her forehead before saying goodbye and taking both of the little ones hands.
"Bye honey have a good selling..." her father added as he followed after them.
The blonde waved goodbye and smiled it was wonderful seeing her family again.