Post 4 Treat Yo Self | +2 | Enabler | Nerd | Blink
Nigel was beginning to realize that his cleaning thing was really relaxing. It was Zen. Now back to getting his cleaning done because once you start. You have to finish. "Poliotus." Nigel cast at the desk he cleaned just seconds before. That desk was perfect now. Shiny and clean. Just the way it should be. Okay moving on. Nigel went to the next desk that need the same treatment and did the same thing. Way do change something that is already working. "Poliotus." This was a lot better than cleaning the muggle way. His mother would make him do that as punishment for making a huge mess. Which was something Nigel did too frequently."Poliotus." Just for good measure.
It made to be clean after all.
__________________ -------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside. |