Post 2 (Question for the professor)
With her wand in her hand she stood in front of a LARGE cobweb with a big spider in the middle. The young girl shivered now that she stood so close to a spider, but… she needed to be strong, this spider and his cobweb needed to be cleaned and gone! The spider moved in his cobweb and she saw how the spider moved his large legs and… Sonea did quickly a step away from the cobweb, afraid that the spider would leave his web and that he would fall in her direction!
The young girl really HATED spiders, and nobody had ever been able to convince her that the spiders she was so afraid of were harmless and that they were probably more afraid of her than she was for them. No, Sonea had NEVER listened to the people who have tried to convince her, she always had ignored them, simply because they were wrong! Spiders were dangerous and some of them where even poisonous! The young girl had heard a story about a wizard who had died because of a spider bite and she had refused to come near them since then!
The young girl took a deep breath, pointed her wand at the cobweb and spoke the spell. “Scourgify!” Sonea saw with delight that the cobweb AND the spider were now gone. But… Sonea wondered for a moment where the spider had gone to, and now that she thought about it, where was all the dirt who had been removed? Was it just, gone? Forever? Or had it been moved to another place?
The young girl walked to the professor, she was really curious where all the dirt had gone to and smiled at the professor. “Professor, can I ask something? Where is all the dirt I have cleaned with the Scourgify charm? Is it just gone? Forever? Of is it transported to another place? I’m curious because, well… I have cleaned a cobweb WITH a spider and I’m curious if the spider is now dead, or not…” |