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Laura decided it was time to go and speak to the Librarian, for some strange reason after spending the day with him last year, he didn't seem as scary as he had before that and he was like one of only two Professor's she would go for advice from and she needed some now.
*knock knock*
Laura knocked softly on the door, like anyone would, she didn't want to disturb him if he was really busy and only children knock loudly and Laura was growing up, so she was going to act like a lady.
Leo was treating himself to a well-earned break in his office with some well-deserved ice cream with Madonna sleeping in his lap when he heard a faint knock on the door. Carefully to not wake the cat he lifted her into his arms and over to the waiting basket.
After stroking her fondly behind the ears he crossed the room to open his office door. Peering out at Laura he hid his surprise to see her there by a big smile.
"Hello Laura, would you like to come in?" Quote:
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When he instantly mentioned he was busy, Gemma's stomach dropped a little bit...she knew this was a bad idea...stupid Gemma....she forced to keep her smile on her face as he continued talking....and then her face beamed as he asked her to help. "O goodness...that's no good at all...last term I helped you fireproof but we didn't think about waterproofing..." she said with a shrug as she followed him into his office.
She glanced around at the pile of books and figured they could finish this quickly, "Yes, we can def work together to get this done...." she said excitedly as she placed the basket down and flicked her wrist so her wand shot out of her wand holster into her wand hand. She walked over to one of the books and picked it up and as the water dripped out she squashed it back down on the table and turned excitedly to him...."But remember I'm not the greatest at charms, so you will have to remind me of the incantation and wand movements..." she said walking over to him excited that she could help.
It was a good sign that Gemma didn’t tail it out of there at the mention of work. Most of his sister’s always had the bad habit of disappearing if they caught wind of work that needed to be done. Grimacing he nodded grimly
"I know. I doubt waterproofing them would have helped though. The books under the leak are old and have if my hunch is correct been exposed to water for quite some time." Maybe even during the whole summer vacation. It didn’t feel good in the pit of his stomach, too worried.
Gripping his own wand he instructed as he demonstrated on a soaking wet book.
"The incantation is aquamarino and the wand movement is a circular motion and tap over the book." Leo wasn’t worried. Gemma could most effectively do her part if something needed to be done.
"So, in what state is the muggle studies classroom? Dust covered?" Quote:
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She liked the library for one thing and librarians were always good with her. In all the schools that she'd attended before, the only staff she got along well was the librarian. Weird, but thats that fact. Hogwarts had it's budget cutters, surely it had affected the Library. NO? YES? We'll know.
Stepping by his office on the way out to pick up his coat Leo was met by the sight of a girl waiting outside his office.
"Hello!" he greeted with a soft smile.
"Were you looking for me?" Going past her, he unlocked his office door and opened it wide asking.
"Would you like to come in?"