Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee What color did one wear to support... the entire student body? It wasn't like there was a Hogwarts school color, and anyway, the staff represented Hogwarts too, right? Hm. She wore blue for reasons and called it even.
Vivi found a seat high in the stands and spread out a bit, saving a spot for Vickers and anyone else who might want to sit with them. Oh, awkward... this might be their first time appearing in this type of venue as a couple. Would that be a thing?
Vivi kicked back with thermos in hand, giving a wave to West commentating and to a few other students she recognized and to Selina... oh HAI SELINA! Vigorous waving commenced.
Mo hesitated as he climbed into the stands, not exactly sure where to sit. It would be seriously uncool to sit with his sister... or at least she would think so. And West was... busy. And also he was West. Who else? Mo slid out of the way so he wasn't blocking traffic as he looked for someone to sit with.
Oh, there! Mo climbed the stands and seated himself near Professor Botros. They were sort of like best mates now, right? "Hey, Professor. I think you ought to cheer for the students just to win us over. We might be easier to manage in class, you know?"
__________________ ★ Dawn ★ 
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |