Dylan was sad to see the blonde lady go...but once she had, caught sight of the brunette stepping up. Oh, and she was attempting to grab one of them. Perhaps he'd make a sale, then...
"Ma'am, did you want to buy some guesses?"
When the blonde one started talking, the mysterious brunette just gave him eyes. He had a pretty face. "Yes. I'd like to buy a jar...and not guess." Was that okay, pretty boy? Hmm?
...and no, she wasn't going to answer any questions as to why. So, no one needed to ask.
Dylan blinked, kinda surprised by the straightforwardness....He shrugged, pulling one of his jars from beneath the fabric. The name of the game was to sell them...and he was selling them. So, they'd just have to take five eggs off the total number of...The Captain gave Odessa a nod.
"Four galleons...which is a deal considering the eggs themselves are worth one galleon apiece." Just in case she thought he was trying to cheat her. Yea, the Slytherin knew how older women could be.
This kid was crazy to think she cared about price. What was four galleons to her? After paying out the money, she accepted the jar and slinked away into the abyss of the crowd...She had shifty things to do...
Weird lady was weird...Nevermind that, though...He had more eggs to sale.
"Next! Anyone else?" SPOILER!!: Lucia!
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Hogsmeade was awfully loud today, and Lucia wanted to see what exactly all the ruckus was about. She'd wheeled in Sherman to go see Abraham and whatnot (and had made sure he was wearing that lovely sweater as well, because he just looked precious in it), but now the kids were giving her a headache. How long was that hubby of hers going to take in the Broomsticks? Home was more silent.
But the Hogwarts children were selling eggs, and Lucia almost felt the need to buy some. Because she knew what was going on with the school and all. Manager of Gringotts, y'know, so she was quite familiar with the school funding issue. Plus, she was also the grandmother of a very whiny Hogwarts captain who'd informed her of turnstiles and things. But she wasn't going to buy anything from her OWN kid, because she was expected to be able to do things for herself without needing assistance from elderlies.
So the old woman toddled over to the most interesting stand she could find, the one with the flashy sign and the two boys. They seemed like good ones to buy from (especially 'cause that ONE was so skinny, Merlin, she suspected he probably hadn't been able to afford the Great Hall turnstiles or something and had been skipping meals). "I want three guesses." She held out the 13 sickles and tried to think of numbers. Ones based on the hints she'd been listening to others get, because she was clever enough to do that. Clearly.
And there was ANOTHER lady. Dylan smirked a whole bunch because women were clearly his area of expertise. Keep 'em coming and all that. He offered her a very sweet smile because she was an older woman...and that garnered respect. At least it did in his eyes.
Accepting her money, he pushed a quill and a piece of parchment in her direction.
"From everything that's here..." Meaning the hints she may or may not have heard...
"...the total is down five eggs."...because crazy lady wanted to buy them as is...and not guess. Totally ruining the spirit of what he and Odessa had going.