Thread: The Stands
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Old 05-24-2013, 08:28 PM   #16 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
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Default Lottie in Lex's bit too. :)
Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good

Originally Posted by dansgurl View Post
Nevertheless, she moved towards the girl. As they did their waiting, they could as well get to talk something. Something to lift her low spirits? She was just hoping the match would be worthy of losing 5 galleons.

"Hello" she said, as she approached the girl. She also kept an eye at the entrance. She was hoping to see a certain Claw girl.
She always came early to games and always wondered why did she? She lost count of how many times she sat gazing up at the sky hoping for someone to come or even the game to start. But that wouldn't happen with no crowd, no? She really did come early.

However her thoughts were interrupted hearing a voice. The fourth-year look up at the girl who joined. A tiny kid must be a firstie, Cassia thought. And she might have seen her around but she couldn't tell. "Hey yourself," The blond replied with a smile. Though annoyed about her financial situation that was getting worse she didn't feel the need to express this negative feelings on the girl. At least as long as the kid behaved and wasn't the annoying type.

"Is this your first time attending a Quidditch game?" Cassia asked in an attempt to start a conversation. "I'm Cassia, by the way." She added offering another smile.

Text Cut: Lexxxx

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
If there was one match she couldn't allow herself to miss it was this one. How often did you see Professors mount a broom and challenge the students to a match??? Not. Very. Often. Exactly. This being the case she happily hop!skipped over to the stands.

Got set to hop her way up too when BOOM! Turnstiles!

Merlin was she getting tired of seeing those. Almost instinctively she pulled five knuts from her pocket and was set to shove them into the machine when a sign caught her attention.

5 galleons???

Blink. Blink.

Er....she had to think about thi--WAS THAT CASSIA?? Yup, mind made up, pocket reached into again, she fished out 5 galleons and quickly shoved them at the turnstile that wasn't letting her in fast enough. When it finally did, she bolted over to the snake and plopped down next to her with a grin. "HAI!!! Gonna be an interesting match. You know if anyone's taking bets??"

And where was Lottie? Didn't she want to see the match too?? Lex began looking around, wondering if the girl had already arrived and was sitting elsewhere because that just wouldn't do.

Also, people she knew!! Lex waved at both Amara and Eliza as she saw them. "Hey guys!" There were people in this match she was cheering for for sure.

She saw her lioness bestie halting as the turnstiles interrupted the way. Then it wasn't just Cassia who was surprised by the fee thing. The snake waited for her friend till she paid and joined her. Grinning back at Lex, Cassia responded, "Heyyy! Not the best welcoming way, no?" She said pointing at the turnstiles. This year so far the students were only getting poorer. Or the students parents. Shouldn't school provide knowledge...Cassia didn't remember that schools were supposed to empty the pockets of the attendees. New trend!

But aside from that, this match was quite unique and mustn't be missed. "Interesting indeed! Who do you think is going to fall off the broom?" Cassia said with a grin. "I wouldn't bet on anything because I don't know if any of the Professors played Quidditch before. And I'm pretty curious to see them flying around and hitting flying badgers and quaffles." She said with a giggling tone like it was the most hilarious thing on Earth! Well, the pictures her mind played made it look like it. Like how old were those professors?

"But one thing I'd bet on, is that the all-star team is going to win," She said thoughtfully. "Also, I think the beaters situation is tricky. I don't know about you but hitting a professor is not something we do comfortably. They do control our grades for the rest of our studying time. " She said. For all the students knew the Professors would go for a payback for their loss using grades. Mhhmm. Cassia expected everything.

Then another girl joined and Cassia recognized her as Lex's other bestie, what was her name again? Oh Lottie...because Lex just said so. Smiling over at the Hufflepuff Cassia said. "Hi there," Because it'd be awkward not saying hi since Lex was sitting in the middle.

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
The match day everyone was talking about was finally here...

Clad in colourful robes, flags in his hands and face paint on his cheeks to show support for his brave colleauges, the librarian headed down from the castle to the Quidditch stadium. Upon entering the stadium, he payed the 10 galleons to be allowed to enter via the turnstiles. Anything to get Hogwarts back on its feet.

Making his way up in the stands Leo took a seat on one of the benches with good view of the pitch and the student's sitting below.
Mister Kitridge was here! Cassia smiled and waved at the librarian. She was glad he wasn't playing because she had that feeling that the situation of Professors and students with bats was bound to end up somehow.....Not so pleasantly. "Hey, Sir!" She said cheerfully. "Who are you rooting for?" She asked. The librarian was a smart dude so he probably knew that his classmates didn't really have that chance of winning. Unless he wanted to stand by their side no matter what?? It'd be nobility of him.
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