Post #4 That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars
That last customer was a bit tougher than the first one. Peyton needed to step up her game. And for this she'd use one of her brother's tactics. She needed the right customer for it.
Peyton waited until she found a suitable customer to pass. She wasn't going to start yelling people to come by. They were surrounded by students selling the same thing, so it'd be just wasting her voice in vain.
A head full of white curls passed by, a little old lady walking at turtle's pace by Peyton's stand. AHA! "Hello there, ma'am," Peyton said gently. The woman turned to her, her glasses hanging at the tip of her nose. The woman offered Peyton a smile, which she returned. Old people were nice. "I was wondering if you'd like to help our school by buying some of these very-well-taken-care-of Ashwinder eggs," she said in her most honest victim voice. "You see, we are going through a rough crisis at the moment. Our school was robbed." The older woman gasped, placing her hand over her chest. "Oh, sweet Merlin, you poor thing," she said.
Peyton nodded solemnly. "The elves have left us and my school mates and I have to help around. It's tough, you know. Attending to classes, doing our homework AND cleaning an entire castle. We're trying our very best, honest." SAD FACE. "Child, you sweet thing." The woman looked like if she was on the verge of tears and Peyton wondered if she over did it. But this is how John used to do it. "That is horrible."
She nodded again and sighed. "Yes. I understand if you can't help us, thanks for stopping by anyway." Peyton grinned a very sad grin at the woman, working her eyes to droop all wounded-like. The woman gasped and shook her head, making her hair look like a white and gray cabbage. "No, no. I'll be helping you. You lot are the future of the Wizarding world, there's no way I'll let you suffer." She dug feverishly into her coin purse, then paused. "How much did you say these were?"
Peyton hadn't mentioned it. "They're going for five Galleons, ma'am." "Here you go." The woman handed Peyton the five Galleons and patted something else into her hand. "An extra one can help, too." The little old lady smiled at Peyton and waddled away, muttering something about the condition of the school.
Shoving the money away, Peyton did a little dance. One more jar sold, though she couldn't help feel a tiiiiiiiny bit bad for the woman. She seemed genuinely worried. Oops. Hehehe.
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