She was all bundled up in a sweater and a scarf, ready to watch the big student versus staff match. This is going to be great! she thought as she bounded towards the stands entrance. Let's see...I'll probably want to be front and cen...Ow! She looked down and saw ANOTHER turnstile in front of her. Seriously?! She had worried they might charge for Quidditch but she was hoping to be wrong. She sighed. It seemed she was not.
Begrudgingly, she put an entire five galleons into the slot and was allowed to pass. She had been excited about the money she'd earned in Hogsmeade, but now this was just going to eat it all up! And she'd had such high hopes for a kneazle or a retirement fund. Sigh.
But she would not let her excitement for the match be thwarted! She rushed over and found a seat smack dab in the middle of everything and eagerly awaited the opening announcements.
__________________  ... CHARMING ... HUMBLE ... REFINED ... |