post 5 Gryffinclaw-Ravendor • The REAL Hermione Granger
Sarah looked at the one last jar and sighed. She had one more left. Who would want it. She was watching the other students selling that the tap on her shoulder gave her quite a fright She turned around and saw a shabbily dressed boy (it was even shabby for Sarah, who was the queen of hand-me-downs) who looked rather unkempt. "hi there!" she greeted him with a smile. Ever since his mother had come down with Ague Anthony had mainly fended for himself. After all it was just he and his mother. He had heard that an ashwinder egg would help her, yet Tony and his mother were poor. His mother had just sighed when he had asked her why she had not gotten an eggs saying that they could not afford it. Yet Tony would not give up. He wondered around Hogsmede perhaps someone would help him. Then he saw some students selling things. He overheard the word Ashwinder and he was sure it was what he was looking for. He walked up to one of the girls and tapped her. She got a fright, which made Tony grin. She smiled and she looked so sweet. "I was wwwwondering iiiif I could get some Aaaashwinder eeeggs. mmmy mmmother is sssick" Tony stammered. "hhhow mmuch do they cccost?
Sarah looked at the little boy, he did not seem like he could afford much so she decided not to make him feel uncomfortable. Sarah said with grin ,"pay whatever you can proceeds go to Hogwarts!" Tony was expecting to get a jaw droppingly big price like 2 sickles, yet instead she said he could pay what he could. "okay" he said and he dumped the contents of his sweaty fist onto the table. They were just knuts.
"thank you" Sarah said, "here is the jar!" she handed over the last jar to him. "I hope your mother feels better!" she said. Tony could barely explain his excite meant and he grinned revealing missing teeth. "I hope she does! Thank you!" Tony felt good that he was able to pay and it was not charity. With the jar and its precious contents in his hand Tony ran off, he had to bring it to his mother.
Sarah watched the little boys retreating back. It was so heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. This money the boy could have used at Zonko's or Honeydukes yet he used it for him mother, and it was sad as the little boy had such a sad life. When that boy goes to Hogwarts however his future will look more promising, Sarah thought to herself. That was what education did, it would turn the boys life around.
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