post 2 Gryffinclaw-Ravendor • The REAL Hermione Granger
Sarah continued on calling, everyone else seemed to be taken care of yet Sarah was determined to sell some thing. Then she spotted a tall witch walking towards her, the witch had pretty features except for a big scar on her face. Sarah smiled warmly at her. Sarah had read up books on how to be a good sells person in the library. The main thing was to smile and be nice. "hello!" Sarah greeted her. What would you like?" Maddie had heard about the sale and decided to get her hands on ashwinder eggs. Her potion labarotry was the only place in her parents house that her parents did not touch. After years of being single Maddie had had enough. She knew she was worth more, yet people did not look past her mark on her face. It was not her fault, after all it was what she got as a child and her parents had tried hard to remove it. She knew she was steeping low, yet she had to. She was only going to use it once so Troy could notice her, then after it wears off and he does not like it, she would let it go. Just this once. She smiled over at the girl who looked about twelve. She was one of the only tables that was not busy. "Hello!" she greeted. "How much are you selling those for?" she asked.She would take any price. It was nice to buy a potion ingridient where no body knew her..
"three galleons!" said Sarah, "and the proceeds go to charity. TO help Hogwarts, so it is a double deal, I help you and you help my school" . "That will be great. Here is the money" Maddie said handing over the three gold galleons. "do you by any chance have powered moon stone or peppermint?" she asked, trying her luck.
Sarah took the money and handed over a jar. "I don't have powered moonstone, yet I have peppermint back at school in my garden. If you want you can place an order and I can owl it-" she then stopped abruptly, "you are using it to make Love potion are you?" Maddie nodded bashfully.
Sarah's mind was racing, her morals conflicting with her desire to help Hogwarts. NO, she did not approve of love potion, yet at the same time the money could Hogwarts. Back and forth her thoughts went and finally she said with determination, "i would l love to help you, yet it is against my principals to do so. Yet I am sure you can get it even in the muggle world." She felt bad, because with men as superficial as they were today the girl loked like she needed it. "its okay" said Maddie "i understand." she took her jar and gave the girl another smile. This girl was very affixed to her morals and was putting Maddie to shame. Perhaps she should not make the love potion after all..
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