Post 1 ½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
So they were supposed to be selling the Ashwinder eggs that they'd collected the other day. That was cool, but Elise thought it a pretty big waste of a Hogsmeade weekend. Imagine, she could be looking at books or buying new quills – Merlin knew she needed them – or even just having a nice long sleep-in. But noooo. They had to sell eggs instead.
Spotting a potential customer, Elise plastered a fake grin on her face and greeted the old lady. “G'morning, ma'am. Could I interest you in some Ashwinder eggs? Freshly harvested, too!”
Merlin's beard, all she'd wanted to do was grab a few rolls of parchment and a bite from Hosmeade but the sheer number of students there. Making a mental note to herself not to visit the Wizarding Village during the school's visit weekend, she looked up at the blonde. “For how much, dearie?”
“Four galleons, ma'am. It's a decent price for 6 eggs.” Elise nodded. Yes, lady. Buy her eggs, please. The sooner she got these sold, the sooner she could get on with her weekend.
“But what on Earth would I do with them?” the lady asked, prodding a jar gently. “I'm dreadfully sorry, dearie. Maybe I'll ask my daughter later if she'd like them.”
Oh, well. She wasn't going to be able to sell ALL of them to everyone who passed, would she?