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The door opened and Ivy saw Erik inside. "Hello," she greeted with a small smile before taking a step inside, closer to him. She was fairly certain that no one was in the corridor behind her, so she leaned in gave him a small kiss before continuing past him and into his office.
"How are you?" she asked, walking past the green couch to his desk. She leaned against it and faced him. From what she could tell, he seemed to be settling in just fine.
Erik slid his wand away and kissed her back, briefly, before he quietly closed the door. Well this was a nice sight to see, an Ivy Knox, in his office, at...Hogwarts. He soaked in the sight while he walked back to the sofa.
"I'm fine," he said with a small shrug, seating himself on the sofa since she apparently wanted the desk.
"How are you?"
Odin, this conversation felt stiff.
"Vould you like a drink? I haff tea and firewhiskey." And that was all...in this room. He gestured toward the desk behind her, where she could help herself. Only the drawer with the drinks wasn't locked.