Post 5 Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia Okay. Just two more jars. Two. She could get these sold and then she could go do whatever she wanted, right? Right. So these two jars needed to be gone soon so she could move on with her life.
Keeping the pleasant smile on her face, she watched the people who continued to pass by, attempting to subtly catch their eye, but not many gave her so much as a passing glance. Hm. Stubborn people. Just take a jar of eggs and hand over your money. It wasn't that hard. Help a poor girl out here.
Forgetting the smile, Penelope decided to try her hand at looking so adorable and pathetic that someone would take pity on her and buy these eggs. It'd worked for her sometimes before, so why not now?
Her expression became very sad and discouraged, and she even pouted just a little. Was this pathetic and adorable enough for these people?
The answer to that question...was yes!
A young couple seemed to have taken pity on her and were heading her way. "Hello there, sweetie," said the young woman who was holding the young man's hand. "You're selling ashwinder eggs, I see?"
Penelope nodded, though still kept her pathetic little expression on her face. "Mhm... It's for school... And I just have two more jars left, but no one will buy them from me..." "You poor things," said the woman a little sadly. "I've read about what's happened at Hogwarts... Dear," she turned to her boyfriend/husband/whatever he was Penelope didn't know, "let's buy these last two. Our potions stores are kinda low anyway." "Okay, dear," he replied, pulling out his wallet. "How much?" "Six galleons for two jars," Penelope answered. The coins were handed to her, and she pushed the two jars toward them so that they each could pick up one. "Thank you so much," Penelope continued, finally smiling. "Any time, sweetie," the woman said, beaming, before turning and heading down the street with her man.
Success! She had sold them all! Fifteen galleons wasn't too shabby.
Now...should she go and spend some of it or just save it all for some other time? Decisions, decisions...
__________________ if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥  together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger |