SPOILER!!: Sonea
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“Pff, why has Hogwarts no lift?” Muttered Sonea now that she had climbed all the stairs up to the Tower Patch. But, even now that she was out of breath and that she was tired now that she had climbed all the stairs, she was not sulky, she wanted to be here, she had heard a few story's about a professor who had been murdered! Sonea had been surprised when she had heard that story and wanted to know if the story was true and that there was really a garden on the rooftop, as a memory for the murdered professor.
And… Sonea was a little surprised, but also sad, because she saw that it was true. She was sad because she now knew that the poor woman had really been murdered! Sonea stood still in the garden and wondered what had happened with the woman.
Back to the Tower Patch.
Ella had been writing her Gran for tips on how to spruce the place up and after reading the bazillion page letter, the blonde felt motivated to go on up and try out some of the tips. Yup, she was ready to do some sprucing.
blonde stopped short when she noticed a younger student she didn't immediately recognize. The girl looked a bit sad and Ella frowned slightly before approaching.
"Um..everything okay?"