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"A whole year...." Indy mused with a little laugh, pretending like it was a lot longer. It had felt like a lot longer. She felt like she was back at home now, even if home was a little dirty. But then, she could just pretend that Hogwarts was a big version of her brothers bedroom. Spike's room was rather unclean.
"Sure." She was going to send her owl with the sweets, and a letter so she could put Bee's stuff in there too. "He'll appreciate them." She was sure that there were no sweet shops in Madagascar, so she knew her brother would appreciate the sweets. "Maybe we should get a basket..." Because Indy had her arms full now, and she still had to get sweets for herself. Yes. A basket would be a good idea. Bee would have to get it though, she kind of hand no arms free. Indy frowned, before laughing. "You sure like shrugging..." She teased, grinning at her best friend.
I really missed you, you know." She SHRUGGED once more. It was true though. A year without Indy was a year when she didn't have a person to talk to and shrug for more than half of the conversation. Hah. Her brain was kidding. A year without Indy had been somewhat hard. Add in the fact that Erin wasn't there either. Although, that resulted to her being closer to most younger Ravenclaws since she had taken a liking to hanging out with them.
But I'll pay for them, Indy." She added quickly, pertaining to the treats she got for Spike. She grinned and nodded. A basket, of course. That was what she was saying. "
I'll go get it." Without waiting for a reply from the blonde, Beezus went off in search for a basket. She decided to look near the entrance since those were usually stationed near the door.
Oh, lookit! Baskets. She took one and ambled back towards her friend. "
Here you go." Now those treats on her arms can go into the basket. Now, that they were set....time to look for more sweets to buy for people.