Originally Posted by
Saul Bunyons
But maybe he didn't need to spend ten whole galleons. "Seven galleons fer two," Saul repeated, setting the first girl's jar down with a thud. "Well I'll be, lil ladeh, is that a square deal?"
He spat in his empty hand and held it out fer her t' shake.
More eyebrows for you, Mister...whatever-your-name-is-but-you-have-an-awesome-hat-nevertheless.
Seven galleons for two jars, yes." She repeated and offered the man a sweet smile. And yes, it was absolutely a square deal! "
Of course, sir. I'm selling you two jars with ten eggs total for seven galleons. That is a neat bargain considering I should be giving each jar away for 5 galleons." So, he was saving three if he bought from her. Technically, one jar had six and she was selling that for 4 galleons, the second one only had 4 and that was why she moved it down to 3 galleons. Either way, it was still a total of ten eggs AT 7 galleons! It was a
fair bargain.
So....was it time to wrap the two jars just yet?
SPOILER!!: Lex and Bunyons! XD
Originally Posted by
Why did everyone want to buy a whole jar. It worked out crudily for her when they decided to be smart about it. Really, with her, it cost less to buy the entire thing but really, she never thought many people would want the WHOLE jar.
Here this man was proving her wrong--
Was it just her or was Bee like TOTALLY RUINING her sale??? Um. NO. "Excuse me Sir." Because this was just a NO. It was no longer about the galleons she earned but the principle behind it. Namely, she saw him FIRST. Besides, she unfortunately had a more reasonable price. "But that's not really a deal she's offering." Nope nope nope. "She'll give you two for 7 galleons but I'm required to sell the jar for 5. Think about it Mister, you'd get 5 of 'em for 2 galleons less than what you would have paid for only two."
For once she didn't mind abiding by these sales rules. Not if it got HER the customer. "So what'd you say? You want 'em?"
Originally Posted by
Saul Bunyons
Well excuse him, the lil' ladeh was addressin' him again. Saul swivelled back toward her with another dip o' th' hat. "'Snot a deal?" he repeated her, his little eyes darting toward the second girl and then back toward the first. Well why not?
"So yeh just want meh to buy five fer five? But I could have ten fer two! If it makes any dif'rence," here he started unscrewing the lid on one of the jars, "yeh can combine th' glass jars and sell me ten eggs in one jar fer six, eh?" Heh heh heh.
Originally Posted by
And now he was just saying things that got her all kinds of bothered. Just how many times would she say 'no' today? Merlin, he was beginning to remind her of both the rude man that left without buying anything and the other rude man who just took a jar and dropped some galleons on the counter.
There was a slight scowl.
"I stand to lose if I do that. Sorry. No." And She wouldn't understand why Bee would want to waste two jars like that. It was hardly a gain. You'd think that since they got to keep the money they'd try to get as much as possible. It was almost enough to make her shake her head. First Laura then her. Two dim people being allowed to sell in one day. Pity.
"You're a grown up, you know how the business world works and at the end of the day we all need a decent paycheck. I'm not lowering them anymore just to out sell her because I'll have made less than her and only you will benefit." As it stood, she was FAR too selfish to let that happen. "I'm still offering a jar for 5 galleons and you can still buy her eggs but you should buy mine too otherwise you stand the chance of hurting my fragile self-esteem that's only now budding--I was twelve just a couple months ago, still young and impressionable. Who knows, you might be the reason I turn into a Dark Wizard and terrorize the entire wizarding world. I have excellent memory, I'll remember you then too. Think about it." And she added a solemn nod to that too. It's was only five galleons. No need to be cheap.
Okay, maybe not yet....Lex was still contesting and all Beezus did was just listen in amusement with a rather wide smirk plastered to her face.
Then she chuckled....the Gryffindor was guilt-tripping the man!
She couldn't have that. She was giving the man a very good bargain here and a younger peer wasn't going to get in her way. This wasn't a classroom where she had to look after them and make sure they
earned something. They were all businessmen and businesswomen here and this was real business going on. Surely, Lex, understood that?
Back to the man. Oh, hey. Face here...this is where the real deal is.
Sir, I'm sure you don't want to argue with this little girl any further." And then she bent down to get the two jars from behind her table and lifted it up on the surface. "
One jar with 6 eggs, the other, unfortunately only with 4... But you still have a sum of 10. You'll take this for 7 galleons, yes?" Add in the cheerful smile and she was more than sure she'd close this deal.
Oh, and....a
wink for you, Lexa-doll. The business world is harsh. You can't get everyone to always like what you have for them so, in ways, you have to tweak a few things to meet their demands. After all, the customer is always right.