Originally Posted by
Magical Soul
The sighing was increasingly occurring by the time Ab and his granddaughter made it to the main street. The girl would not. Stop. Talking. For. A. Minute. Now he knew why her mother preferred her to stay over at his and learn more about something called 'SILENCE'. Only Botros was not one to dampen a youth's spirit. He just pretended to listen some times. Other times he would point out something interesting which cause the twenty one years old to shift the topic to that something, and a new cycle began. There was no escape.
Well, there was! "Oh look! My students are... here!" He spoke quickly, cutting the girl mid-sentence.
"..and then I said, 'no, you didn't' but she wouldn't believe me! And she said, yeah, I-- hmm?" Marci was in the middle of an explanation about why her outfit was incomplete today. Grandpa must've noticed the awful bare top of her head, she caught him looking at her several times as they walked down this village and she just couldn't handle NOT telling him. He had to know about Stephanie and her bratty attitude, the girl was so over-spoiled with a capital O. She even reached the exciting point where he'd know how Marci knew that Stephanie was the last one who borrowed her beret and ruined it! Oh but no worries, there was some kind of rally here!
"Are those your students, papa? They look... hardworking. Isn't it weekend in England at this time? I'm sure it is. I checked. OH. Did I tell you that mom got me this weird calender thingie? It just automatically reminds me of the date, just like a rememberall but fancier. I asked her if they had golden ones with stars, but she didn't answer yet. I don't like this owling thing, it takes ages." Marci made a gesture for her Grandpa as in 'excuse me' and skipped down the line of tables and unkempt students screaming about Ashwinder eggs.
"HI!" She chirped to no one in particular, just ALL of them. She had money! And she liked collecting weird things! besides, grandpa said Hoggie was in a financial crisis and students were trying to help their school. Marci was nothing if not a helper to the unfortunate. That was a noisy little kid accompanying Botros to Hogsmeade today, and Alice's gaze was immediately drawn to her while she waited for customers to come, adjusting her
good egg hat yet again. She STILL refused to yell to attract attention, so she sat there and continued clearing her throat rather loudly while watching the pair of them buy eggs from other students. They were being in pretty colored jars over here, too, tiny girl, and GOOD ones as well. Her hat said so.
The hat, obviously, was the clincher here.
But no one was COMING to her and she finally gave in. She could lure them over there without screaming, though, yeah?
"Those are some lovely eggs you've purchased there, miss," Alice informed the small person when she was close enough, speaking matter-of-factly and trying to sell to the young one instead of her professor. Mostly because she probably had her grandfather wrapped around her little finger (and she knew all about that, the fifth year had one of those, too).
"What're you getting them all for? Making something with them, I assume? Because if you were, you'd need good eggs." She tapped her hat knowingly, just so little miss Botros knew she'd be getting the best eggs around if she got them here.
Then she pushed forward a couple more jars of the prettiest colored jars that little girls would possibly like.
And waited to be given money.