SPOILER!!: Firth!
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Well now, she was quite full of information, wasn't she? "Yer reasonin' seems sound enough ter me. Based on fact, tha's what I like ter see in our upper level students!" Because some of them had less common sense than that cheese cauldron guy. And that was saying something.
Right. She'd answered everything in a satisfactory manner. Now only one thing remained. "Alrigh', one las' question, then." He paused for dramatic effect, leaning in and setting his palm on the table. "How much fer a jar?" At this, Firth allowed a small smiled to creep onto his face.
Ella was just watching Mr. Firth. She was
maybe a bit on edge because she was expecting more questions and really, she was sort of grasping at straws at this point. Her information bank had been tapped so homegirl needed to be cut some slack, okay? Okay.
"I'm really glad you think so, Sir." GRIN! All that studying paid off, it seemed.
"I did quite a bit of reading on the subject so...I'm glad it shows." And that he'd noticed. Thanks very much. ^___^
Blink. Blink.
more question? Ella forced a smile and nodded.
"Of course." GRINNNNNNN. She'd totally hooked him.
"5 galleons a jar, Mr. Firth." Nodnod.
"But since you do such a good job at school, I'd be willing to make it 4." Just saying.