Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy Her hand was nice. It was warm and small, and attached to something pretty. He smiled, "You sure, you sure? We could go there and get different things. OR we could go to the quill shop, or the candy place." He stopped them in the street, and looked at the places around. Oh maybe there? The boy rubbed the back of his neck "Oh, hey, Miks, You're a girl... Would you... like to go to the tea shop?" She would like that yeah? Mika just turned and nodded when he asked if she was sure, she was very sure. Very extremely sure. "Yes, I am" she nodded again. And when her friend said those words her eyebrows knitted together. "Excuse me?" She somewhat fake-snapped. Her hand kind of slipped from this because well, she was nervous it would go all clammy and sweaty and maybe his felt a little sweaty. So, yes. She didn't want a sweaty hand.
For emphasis she put her hand on her hip in a faux show of attitude. "Did you just realize that? It took what...four years and my voice not dropping for you to realize that?" She asked her tone breaking into laughter as she spoke. "But yeah...tea - that sounds nice, and hey! I might try a reading...since they are fun" she offered with a chuckle. She'd just jot down her symbols in the notebook she had in her bag. She had brought that just in case she had to stop by and sell some eggs. "Bu-um, but...are you sure the tea place isn't that g-girly?" She asked and glanced at him. The way she had said girly it was CLEAR she was saying isn't that a date-place? She wasn't sure what this was. But tea was warm and right now warm was good.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |