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Logan walked into Zonko's Joke Shop and smiled at all the shelves full of pranks. He hadn't been here in forever! This had been his favorite place eveyrtime they took trips to Hogsmeade.
He slowly walked along the shelves, looking at everything. It kinda made him think of Ella. They could really use all these for awesome pranks... He smiled at the thought. Speaking of Ella, he wondered if she was here. He turned, glancing out the window to see students from Hogwarts walking about. Maybe Ella was with them?
Life was funny sometimes.
Like how just as
Ella was peeking
into the Zonko's store window, her best friend since first year was peeking
out. GRIN. He was here! Logan was here!
This fact was even more special since the news she'd received in the letter he'd sent her and she hurried inside, eager to speak with him.
"You!" BOUNCE.
"You're here!" ...
"I mean Hi!"